I'm sure you guys are really excited to hear what went on inside Stevie's head while he was drumming up the script for broken and trust us, amidst the intellect, you might find some surprising quirks to his script-writing skills! Read on for more.....Team@broken: We know lots went into this, can tell us what the underlying theme for broken is?
Stevie: Basically these three verses...
[+] The enemy has come to steal kill and destroy (John 10:10)
[+] Love covers multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8)
[+] His love endures forever (Ps 136)
Team@broken: What inspired you to create the script?
Stevie: Fear of Karen calling me 24/7 about the script inspired me to write this! haha. Aside from that, I got my inspiration from Luke 23 about Jesus and the thieves at the cross. It has always been an interesting story, on how the thief, from chastising Jesus at the beginning was later transformed and pleaded for forgiveness at the end. And how Jesus forgives us, no matter how late the hour, if we truly repent and believe.
Team@broken: Aside from brain juice, what other elements went into creating the script?
Stevie: Time, lots of tea and a whole sunday afternoon.
Team@broken: How long did it take you?
Stevie: I think it was about 11 am till probably 5 pm on a Sunday. I didn't go to church I think -attended Saturday service - and I recall playing golf in the late evening so it was probably done by 5.00pm. Everyone needs to have a healthy game of golf every weekend, you know :)
Team@broken: Was it hard?
Stevie: Not especially. Karen and you folks already helped lay the foundation so I didn't really do too much, just added in dialogues and characters and expanded it. I also took the story from the thief on the cross, since that story has always fascinated me. I saw it bits and pieces like a storyboard, like in a movie, so I didn't crack my head too much about screen transitions, props, music and all those other stuff. I leave those stuff to you! hahah!
Team@broken: Gee thanks! :) So what was the process like?
(ie. did you have lots of toilet breaks, did you sit there and hold your pee in till you were done, was your wisdom tooth hurting?)
Stevie: Not much. I didn't drink a lot, so I didn't really have to pee much, and I do have a rather large bladder after all those years of training in my secondary school, where the toilet is so filthy you don't wanna go in there AT ALL!!! I did have a couple of browsers up for references to Bible Verses and stories like the thief on the cross and stuff. I'll add that I just hacked up a draft, which was very well changed by the rest of you guys, so again, it's a fantastic team!
Team@broken: Thanks for the good word! Please do tell our bosses that... :) Coming back to the script, what are you hoping it will convey to the audience?
Stevie: I suppose the message of Hope, and that we're all living here with eternity in mind. That what we decide today determines where we go tomorrow. I don't know how I'd like them feel; I'd just like the congregation to be open for the Holy Spirit to work His message in them personally through the play, and through the sermon.
Team@broken: Time of truth! We need some feedback on the play: do you see the script coming to life there in our practices?
Stevie: Of course! With a great director and a great team, it's going good! Just a couple of scenes to tighten up and it's good to go.
Team@broken: Awww...thanks. Okay, last but not least, in 25 words or less, what does Easter mean to you?
Stevie: Do I win a car for the best slogan? heheh. And you know I can't construe a meaningful sentence under 25 words but here goes....
"Easter is the completion of Jesus' ministry on earth, and signals also the start of the exciting new relationship we now enjoy with God, as his heirs, and also to carry His gospel to everyone else. In other words, it's as significant as Christmas, and I think there should be public holidays given!!"
There you have it folks! Mr. Scriptwriter at his best and....funniest. Aside from his scriptwriting brilliance, Stevie also displays his writing talents at his cell's blog a.k.a ThreeDs. He's also written a thought-provoking post called "Cheating God's System", which is based on the Jesus & thieves theme. Be sure to check it out here.
The team at broken would like to thank Stevie for his time and his antics. And erm, we're sorry for the photo uncle Stevie, we'll post a nicer just as soon as we get it!
Watch this SPOT!: March 6, 2008 (Thurs)
"My Easter Story"
Be one of the firsts to hear from Eddie's one true love about her journey this Easter. Stay tuned tomorrow for Steph's first blog post!
[tags : easter broken easter drama gtpj glad tidings church event]
aiyoh... ste-wee so handsome wan!
no wonder the drama also so canggih wan! :)
wow, you had to choose the most unflattering picture of me! Great!!
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